
Navigating Florida's shallow waters can be a challenge for even the most experienced boater, and many vessels have run aground on seagrass beds, tidal flats, and coral reefs throughout the Keys. The color of the waters ahead can offer clues to navigation, and you may have even heard the saying, "brown, brown, run aground..." But there's so much more to safe boating than you can learn in a rhyme. Inadvertent or careless boating practices can cause serious trouble for the Florida Keys ecosystem. With a little care, you can avoid damaging valuable Keys habitats (and your boat) and avoid fines, fees, and other unwanted costs. The resources offered below are designed to help you safely enjoy your boating experiences in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary while respecting the natural ecosystem.

a vessel that has run aground
Grounded and deserted vessels can become a hazard to navigation and impose negative impacts on the marine environment. Photo: Scott Atwell/NOAA
aerial view of a small boat on shallow bright blue water

Responsible Boating

We ask all boaters to become familiar with a few key guidelines.

An aerial view of several boats pulled up to a sandbar

FL Keys Boater Education Course

This free online course offers strategies for responsible boating and stewardship, and highlights relevant sanctuary rules and regulations.

a boat underway on the water

U.S. Coast Guard Public Boating Education

If you're interested in furthering your boating skills, the United States Coast Guard has a list of available public education classes.

A small boat alone in a bay

Florida Boating Safety Courses

Anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, must have a Boating Safety Education Identification Card to legally operate a boat in Florida.

Looking up to the water's surface, a pair of divers hold a line that extends to a buoy above

Mooring Buoy Locations

Know where to go. The sanctuary's buoy team provides regular maintenance to more than 600 mooring locations.

A white buoy floating on the water's surface tethered to a small boat in the distance

How to Use a Mooring Buoy

For your own safety and the health of our mooring system, learn proper use of a buoy.

A series of navigational signs in nearshore waters

Florida Boating Regulations

Become familiar with Florida's boating laws before heading out on the water in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.